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Entries in Processing (6)


Recursion...First Attempt

I have a goal of using cellular autonoma to simulate tree growth. This program is an alpha-draft of that, hyper early on in the development cycle. I am pretty sure none of this code will go onto be used in latter versions, but I learned about recursion and that's a good benefit. It is drawn segment by segment, and each segment calls two more. It recurses (I think that's a word) for a random time (well 50% chance of continuing that branch). I added in the ability to start a segment from where you click, it's kinda fun I can paint with the branches. To get the middle branch to stop drawing new branches just hit the 'o' key. Code after the jump...

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A Circular Vortex...spinning...spinning.

While putting off my blob addition to the Gnat swarm, I decided to see what a little trig and a whole lot of lines could get me. So I mixed some color in with the reducing radius and it turned out pretty well I think. Especially for maybe an hour of coding. Vortex is after the jump...

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Color Quickie Redux

This rather simple program just uses the X and Y position of the ball for the background color information. Code after the jump....

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A swarm of gnats quickly devoured the food spawning a new one. 

My addition in a sentence. Click to move the food. This update as entailed a rewrite to make everything object oriented, which made the adition of multiple gnats rather easy. There might be some array out of bounds errors at high levels of gnats when holding the mouse down.  Applet after the jump.

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Color Quickie

I realized I had been basically only programming in black and white, so I decided to play around with color for a bit. It's a pretty simple demo, but I felt like it should still be shared. Code after the jump to save your processor.

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